Laporte: “The important thing is to score one more goal than the rival”

Better to play against Switzerland than against France?

All the games are very important and we have fought a lot to be here. All that remains are finals and we know that we cannot fail, because a mistake puts you at home.

Is Spain a favorite?

I don't know if we are favorites or not. We are a very good team and we have shown it in the last games. It is very difficult to beat us and that is why we are in the quarterfinals.

Do you know that they will not always pass the qualifying rounds by receiving three goals, as happened against Croatia?

The most important thing is to score more goals than you receive. What counts is winning and that is what we have done.

Personally, does it take pressure off that the rival is Switzerland and not France?

I don't know if playing against France takes pressure off me. There is a lot of enthusiasm and a lot of desire and we hope that everything goes well. We have to continue in our line, which is to have possession, play and create danger. We did not do so badly as to receive two goals in the last ten minutes. You have to do self-criticism, but in football the same thing you put two that you receive. Anyway, you always have to improve.

How are you meeting Eric García?

We have shared a dressing room in the City and with Spain. Eric is a great player and we complement each other very well in every way. He is right-handed and I am left-handed, and I am happy to share a dressing room with him in the National Team.

Does Spain grow against the rivals of the largest cartel and relax with what they do not have?

We deserved more in the first two games. You cannot win three to zero every day, especially in a Euro Cup. All rivals are good. It may be that we have had better games against stronger teams, but any rival is strong in a tournament like this.

Are you happy that you have decided to play for Spain?

I am very happy to share a group with this troop, with the coaches, with the president … From minute one I am very happy and I have already said it more than ten times.

You are left-handed, but do you feel just as good playing right-handed?
