Laporta also 'signed' his cousin for Barcelona

Joan Laporta is taking a series of decisions that will surely have to be clarified and clarified at the next General Assembly on June 20 before the compromise partners. One that has brought special controversy is to sign his sister, Maite Laporta, to join the Compliance Officer department of the club, that is, the body in charge of supervising the good work of the president.

Shield / Flag Barcelona

It should be remembered that the club had an internal code, implemented by the previous president, Josep Maria Bartomeu, in which it was expressly forbidden that a family member of first, second and even third degree of a member of the board could work for the Barcelona. With this measure, supposed favorable treatment and hired incorporations were prevented for reasons of family affinity.

However, Laporta decided to park the internal code and open the doors to the relatives of the managers in positions of responsibility. And in fact, the Blaugrana leader has been the first to set an example, and not just once but twice: after incorporating his sister, and According to 'El Periódico del Catalunya', the leader has decided to 'sign' his cousin, Marta Segu i Estruch, to direct the Fundació.

The position until now presided over it Maria Valles, who received the dismissal notice today, in a particularly intense day at the Blaugrana club regarding the time to give a ticket to several executives and employees.

It would not, in any case, be a new position for Laporta's cousin, since she presided over the club's Foundation from 2008, in the last stage of the president at the head of the Catalan entity.