LaLiga Camps will arrive in July 2023 at the ESC LaLiga & NBA Center in Madrid


LaLiga has officially opened this Wednesday registration for the summer camps that will take place in July 2023 at the ESC LaLiga & NBA complex in Madrid, inaugurated this September, an initiative under the name LaLiga Camps, which has already been carried out in other territories, as reported by the employers in a statement.

The participants will live an immersion “in the LaLiga ecosystem” surrounded by a “multicultural” football environment, thanks “to the facilities of this innovative center”. LaLiga Camps arrives in Spain after the “success” collected in various countries such as the United Kingdom, Japan, South Africa, Kuwait, Peru and up to eight different locations in the United States, from Dallas (Texas) to Las Vegas (Nevada). Around 900 players of different levels and ages have passed through them.

“The camps are based on the LaLiga Methodology to help players on the road to reach their full potential, while having a recreational experience during the summer at the hands of LaLiga,” the statement explained.

The camps, with daytime or overnight options, will last up to three weeks, and seek to bring players of all levels, between the ages of 8 and 17, closer to some of the resources and common elements of the quarries of La Liga clubs.

In addition, the edition in Madrid will have coaches who meet the highest UEFA requirements and international and national experience, a multicultural environment, since the ESC LaLiga & NBA Center receives boys from more than 20 different countries; and a state-of-the-art center, with a residence for more than 450 people, an international school equipped with an auditorium, library, and laboratory, as well as two soccer fields, a basketball pavilion, gym, and swimming pool.

“One of the keys to the LaLiga Methodology is the comprehensive training of the player, and in the case of LaLiga Camps, the pillars of our methodology are maintained, thus focusing on the technical, tactical, physical and psycho-emotional development of all participants, always using football as an ideal medium to transmit values ​​to the youngest in a playful and educational environment”, highlighted the head of Sports Projects at LaLiga Grassroots, Juan Florit.

Finally, the head of Business and International Development at LaLiga Grassroots, Javier Hernández, advanced that “language workshops and the possibility of living the experience in English” have been included. “The LaLiga coaches have international experience and languages, so the combination between academics and sports also works in these short-term experiences,” he concluded.