La Vasca responds to the RFEF

The Basque Football Federation has not been slow to react to the RFEF's demonstrations in which the possibility that it could become a full member of FIFA and UEFA is questioned.

After the director of the RFEF International department, George
Mowinckel, argued that to enter both sports organizations “it is necessary to be a country recognized as an independent country by the majority of the international community”, describing the scenario proposed by the Basque as “unfeasible”, the Federation chaired by Luis
Elustondo has denied that assumption.

“It does not respond to the applicable regulations” that rejection for not belonging to a state recognized by the international community, “being numerous examples of non-state territories that are part of the two international football associations.”

The FVF statement states that there is an assumption of admission “with the authorization of the state federation”, a scenario that would need the consent of the RFEF, which it hopes to achieve “after a quiet period of dialogue and negotiation between the parties that the FVF wishes to open and will raise in due course ”.

They didn't want to meet

The Basque Football Federation also responds to several statements by Mowinckel that you consider wrong. Apparently the RFEF did not find out from the press of his intentions but sent him a letter on Tuesday the 14th which was received at 6:50 pm.

On the other hand, the FVF did not hold meetings with UEFA and FIFA leaders, nor was it their intention due to the current situation of the health crisis. The objective of the trip to Nyon was “to deposit the applications with the extensive attached documentation”, as it finally did.