After officially descending at around midnight, this morning some members of the Peña Juvenil del Espanyol, one of the most active and cheering at RCDE Stadium, have come to the two club facilities to show their discontent and discontent with various banners. The messages are clear, and point to the entity chaired by Chen Yansheng making a profound revolution in the workforce.
In Sant Adrià they deployed three. “Scoundrels, get out of here” is the most forceful. “You are no longer welcome” and “Close when you leave” were others that were shown and photographed to hang on their social networks. The staff has a rest day after the mazazo last night, so that the facility barely met the usual employees.
May pride and feeling not blind us!
We will never forget all those who have contributed to our team descending to 2nd division.
– Juvenil1991 (@ Juvenil1991) July 9, 2020
At the RCDE Stadium, at the top of the parking lot, another illustration was posted: “You are shame in 120 years of history.” The discomfort on social networks is evident in the flurry of criticism for the decline, also of messages of encouragement, such as that expelled by some former players or other soccer professionals.
The APMAE asks to trust Durán and asks for an internal hierarchy
The Associació de Petits i Mitjans Accionistes (APMAE), which today is residual considering that Chen Yansheng owns practically 100% of the shares, but that at the time had a broad weight in the entity with, even, members in the Council, he also made a statement asking the president for explanations and making it clear that the club must have a strong internal hierarchy.
“In no case can the argument be accepted that 'now is the time to work together on the return of Espanyol in the category where it deserves and there will be time later to study what has happened.' We ask that President Cheng Yanseng direct the fans and fans, that he assume his responsibilities and inform us if he continues to bet on Espanyol or considers they seeder their actions“reads the statement.
For APMAE, the solution is to trust Josep Maria Durán, and give him full powers: “That said, we consider Duran's professional profile to be adequate for the management of the club, but an internal hierarchy must be established at once. Clearly, avoid collisions and conflicts between the top managers of the sports area and the club's general management. We believe that this general management should have the last word in the management of the entity and was the only direct interlocutor with the ownership of the club, and we insist, there is a program that beyond the immediate return to the highest category of Spanish football ( which will not be easy) and a medium-term program. “