Kubo's year is complicated

The loan of Kubo (19 years) has not started as expected. With around 30 proposals for his loan, several made before the summer, the priority of Madrid and the Japanese was the sports project. A good example is that of Bayern, which offered more than € 7M but was ruled out due to the risk that he had fewer minutes and for an eventual crossing in the Champions League. A team was sought that secure around 40 starting matches, the step prior to the inclusion of Kubo in the squad for 2021-22, something that the club already informed him in July. But the plan is not resulting in Villarreal, which is not liked at all in the white sports direction.

Real Madrid Shield / Flag

Kubo has played 54 minutes in five days, always as a substitute. The account offers an average participation of almost 11 minutes per game, being the 16 minutes of the Camp Nou his longest intervention, also the most commented for his self-confidence despite entering 4-0. In Madrid they do not understand the management of Emery, who insisted a lot on getting the reinforcement of Kubo, as he transmitted to Villarreal and the attacker. They consider that there must be a middle ground between the Japanese beginning as indisputable and that the Basque coach has not yet put him above 16 minutes, more if possible with five changes.


For now, in full October still, Madrid do not consider breaking the loan, which would require negotiating that agreement for a fixed € 2.5M plus another as many in variables. But there is some concern that they hope will be mitigated this month. The latter is also what they point out at Villarreal, since with the start of the Europa League opportunities will open and Kubo will be able to demonstrate. And the boy, the same: he does not like the bench or play so little, of course, but He remains convinced that he will have options and will take advantage of them.

A break with minutes with Japan for Kubo

In the middle of this somewhat delicate situation, Kubo enjoys the concentration with his selection. Try to find a place with Japan having premiered on June 9, 2019 (it was the second youngest debutant in its history) against El Salvador and, right after, playing three games in the Copa América, two as a starter despite his age. It was the best way to celebrate his 18 years (he had completed the 4-J) and the signing for Madrid, signed on those dates.

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Take Kubo, on Friday in Japan-Cameroon.

Kubo borders the ten caps, since in this window it will be set to nine. On Friday, against Cameroon (0-0), he played 25 minutes, with a foul on the last play that touched the goal. On Tuesday, against Ivory Coast, he is expected to start. In the background, a clear objective: the Tokyo Games, passed to 2021. His federation only contemplates that he go, although he has to convince Madrid …