Koundé could be punished with up to four games

There is no doubt that some of the images of the Seville- Barcelona last night, and that possibly changed the meeting, was the expulsion of Olivier Kounde in his reaction with Jordi Alba. The collegiate Carlos del Cerro he did not hesitate for a single moment, immediately expelling the Frenchman.

Now it is necessary to know the consequences for the Sevillian club of this reaction that also the referee The hill recorded in this way in the minutes:

In minute 63 the player (23) Kounde, Jules Olivier He was sent off for the following reason: For throwing the ball violently in the face of an opponent, hitting him in his face, while the ball was not in play. The FC Barcelona player who was hit by the ball did not need assistance and was able to continue in the game. “

In the worst case scenario, the French international player could be sanctioned with a minimum of four games, provided that the federal disciplinary body considers this action as aggression. This brings us to article 98 of the current Disciplinary Code which reads the following: “Attacking another, without causing injury, considering as a determining factor the fraudulent element, necessary in this offense, circumstance that the action takes place while the game is stopped or at such a distance from where it is developed that it is impossible intervening in a set of that one, will be sanctioned with suspension of four to twelve parties “.

The truth is that the two situations described exist. In other words, the ball is not in play and luckily, as the scoresheet also reflects, Jordi Alba he did not need medical assistance.

It is a very harsh punishment that also does not fit with the position of the three members of the RFEF Competition Committee. This brings us to the second scenario, and the most likely one, which involves two penalty matches for the French defender. First, because article 110 regarding direct expulsion makes it clear in point two that “In those cases in which the expulsion from the field of play is due to situations in which the footballer has not had the possibility to dispute the ball, the suspension will be of at least two games “.

The minutes make it clear that the ball occurs in a situation where there is no option to play the ball. But in addition, point two of article 123 regarding violence in gambling details with even more exactness what happened last night in the Sánchez Pizjuán. “Occur in a violent manner on the occasion of the game or as a direct consequence of some set of the same. If the action described in the previous paragraph occurs outside the game or with the game stopped, it will be sanctioned with suspension of two to three games, without prejudice to the provisions of article 98 of this Code “

The article itself refers to the aforementioned ’98 attack. Considering the doctrine of Competition Committee and that it is his first expulsion in Spain, the normal thing is that it remains in two meetings. Matches that he would play in the League and not in the Cup as it is a minor penalty. Only if it is considered aggression, with the consequent four-game sanction, should he comply with it in both competitions

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