Kisses and hugs first, then elbows and fists for the Coronavirus

It was one of the images of the meeting between Alavés and Valencia. Coronavirus psychosis is becoming almost routine and Health protocols are causing gestures such as greetings, shaking hands, hugs or kisses are being discouraged, almost forbidden. Nevertheless, the players of Alavés and Valencia skipped the recommendations in the tunnel of changing rooms of the Mestalla stadium. Before jumping into the field, those who knew each other shook hands, hugs and kisses, as they usually do in other games and collect television cameras, as on this occasion.

However, that affection changed radically already in the grass. Shaking hands, kisses and hugs were replaced, as advised by national and supranational protocols of world health authorities, by elbow contact with elbow and fist with fist. They seemed greetings from almost another era and other civilizations.

The images at the level of social networks have been very commented because the double procedure and expression of feelings among the players. On the one hand, what they usually do before the games and then the image they have to respect the protocols for the coronavirus.