King Felipe’s Christmas plan away from Letizia: friends and Iberian ham

These are days of reunions and not just family. The king knows it and this Monday he has made a hole in his schedule to have dinner with a group of friends in a well-known Madrid restaurant. Don Felipe has taken the opportunity to ‘skip’ the strict diet imposed by the queen letizia in the palace and enjoy delicious Mediterranean food at a low-cost price: 35 euros for the Tasting Menu.

Also read – All the details of Felipe VI’s Christmas message: the great presence of Leonor in the staging

According to Rosa Villacastín, the monarch dined this Monday at the Asgaya restaurant, which has a wide range of culinary possibilities on its menu: beans, risotto, cachopo, T-bone steak and an Iberian ham with tumaca bread that has already been tasted by such well-known faces as Isa Pantoja or Pedro Ruiz.

As we said, the king has taken a family break after celebrating Christmas Eve and Christmas with the family. Both he and Letizia opened the doors of the Prince’s Pavilion on the 24th to receive a large part of the Ortiz-Rocasolano family. Specifically to the queen’s mother, Paloma, accompanied by her boyfriend Marcus of hers; and her sister Telma, with her partner, the lawyer Robert Gavin. There were also Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofía and her cousins, Amanda and Erin, daughters of Telma.