The king Charles III This Sunday he presided over the official ceremony in memory of those who fell in different armed conflicts, which took place in the center of London, near Big Ben, and in which political leaders participated.
Other members of the royal family attended the event, including the queen consort, Camilaand the princes of Gales, Guillermo y Catalinaas well as the British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunakand the leader of the Labor Party, Keir Starmerin the opposition.
In the solemn annual ceremony of the so-called Remembrance Sunday, Charles III, in a field marshal’s uniform, laid a wreath of poppies before the cenotaph in honor of all the men and women who died on the battlefield. A floral arrangement whose design pays tribute to his mother, Elizabeth II.

The Princess of Wales, visibly moved, has also winked at the longest-serving sovereign in the history of the United Kingdom through her completes. The pearl earrings Kate Middleton, which she wore for the first time at a public event this Sunday, were from Elizabeth II. The deceased sovereign wore them to a meeting of Commonwealth Heads of Government in Nigeria in 2003. For her part, for the event, the queen Camila He placed his trust in designer Fiona Clare.