Kiko Hernández shoots from Miami against Telecinco: “Since we left, the chain has gone to waste”

The journey of the collaborators of Save me for America has already started thanks to Netflix. In the new docu reality prepared by the content platform, Kiko Matamoros, Kiko Hernández, María Patiño, Víctor Sandoval, Lydia Lozano, Belén Esteban, María Patiño, Terelu Campos and Chelo García-Cortés are looking for work on the other side of the pond.

If the husband of Marta López Álamo and the princess of the town have already given something to talk about in ChismorreoMexican program, Kiko Hernández has not been left behind.

The father of the twins Abril and Jimena, who is marrying Fran Antón in September, has thrown a dart at his old television house since the program Long live Lavafrom Channel 6, also Mexican. Lydia and Patiño were also on the same set this Friday, July 28.

“We are looking for a job. They have closed the program with brutal audiences,” said Kiko. Lydia, at the same time, also explained how they found out about the cancellation of the program: “We found out live. We started making faces and we looked at our phones (…) We sent it to the bosses and the bosses said, ‘What’s up? What’s up? Well, yes.” María Patiño, in turn, added: “We found out from a newspaper.”

Ironically, Kiko finished off the conversation with a dart: “We are very, very sorry, because since we left the chain has gone to waste.” Patiño, the presenter of socialitehe recalled: “Well, I’m still on the chain.”

The tour of former Telecinco collaborators through Latin American television will be summarized in the program prepared by Netflix. After the cancellation of the program on Mediaset, the content platform signed them for its new bet, which still does not have a release date. On July 19, they headed to Miami giving the starting signal with a viral video from the airport. Meanwhile, Telecinco continues downhill and without brakes in its fight for audiences.