Khalifa Diop: “The fans are very excited about the arrival of Pablo Laso”


Baskonia center Khalifa Diop has said that the Vitoria fans are “very excited” this season, especially “about the arrival of Pablo Laso,” in addition to setting goals of “getting a place in the Copa del Rey” and “qualifying for the Euroleague ‘Final Four’.”

“I’m really looking forward to getting started and giving the fans the joy they deserve. This year they are very excited, especially with the arrival of Pablo. So let’s see how the season goes,” he told the media during the presentation of the 2024-25 Endesa League.

In this regard, the Senegalese player praised the Basque coach’s career. “There is no better coach than him, we don’t ask for more. He is an incredible coach and he is helping us a lot. He demands a lot from you and is always on top of you telling you things. He always tries to help you get the most out of you,” he stressed.

Regarding the team’s objectives, he stressed that they will try to give “the maximum.” “We must try to make the fans happy in all the games, win the Copa del Rey and qualify for the Euroleague Final Four,” he said, before speaking of the 4,000 people who gathered at the Buesa Arena for the first training session open to the public. “It was incredible, the truth is that I didn’t expect so much. The fans are always supporting you, no matter how the game goes, and that is something very positive,” he said.

On another note, Diop explained how he feels after the injury he suffered last season. “I’m fine, I haven’t played for many months and I’m slowly getting back into the swing of things. I’m very happy to be back with the team. I want to let things happen on their own, not think too much, do what the coach asks of me. Things happen on their own,” he said.

Regarding the reinforcements, he acknowledged that they have had “a lot of connections since last week.” “We have time between now and the start of the season to get them,” he said, before talking about the Azerbaijani center Donta Hall. “He already has a lot of experience in the Euroleague. That’s good for us too, to learn a little from him, he’s a very good player,” he explained.

Finally, he expressed his joy at playing alongside Markus Howard and Chima Moneke. “It’s a pleasure to play with them. They are great teammates on and off the pitch and I’m glad to have them on my team. Markus is incredible, and in training he’s even more incredible, so this year we hope he shows his best,” he concluded.