Junko turns Bernardo’s funeral into a fight for the Pantoja family: Anabel is already preparing another

The feuds between the Japanese widow and the clan have not ended. Almost a month after the death of Bernardo Pantoja, Junko y Anabel They continue to measure forces in a pulse that has all concerned in suspense: the funeral of remembrance. The first has organized one that will be held this Tuesday and to which the family is not invited; the second is finalizing details to remember her father away from Junko, Aunt Magdalena, Pinocchio and company.

According to Save me, Anabel has everything practically tied to gather her closest relatives and friends (among whom are not included the one who was her father’s wife or her supposed son) in the church of San Joaquín, located in the same Sevillian neighborhood in the one where his mother lives, Merchi. She doesn’t have a chosen date yet, but it will take place in the next few weeks.

Also read: Anabel Pantoja asked Junco to deny that Pinocchio is the son of her husband Bernardo

It is Anabel’s response to Junko’s provocation, who was the first to organize the funeral mass behind the family’s back. It is celebrated this Tuesday in Seville, in the neighborhood where she lived for more than 20 years with Bernardo and where she hung informative posters days ago so that no friend or neighbor is left without attending the tribute they want to pay her.

Let’s remember that the relationship between Junko and his in-laws has never been very good, but Bernardo’s death shattered cordiality into a thousand pieces. The Asian bailaora and designer accused the Pantojas of having prevented her from being with her husband in her last hours and of having abandoned him while she was alive, among other things.