stunned. This is how we stayed this Wednesday when we saw Julio Iglesias’s reaction to the break between Isabel Preysler and Mario Vargas Llosa. Our most international singer has come out in defense of his ex. According to him, the queen of hearts is receiving “unfair behavior” after her separation from the Nobel Prize for Literature, whom she pummels without consideration.
“Two of her ex-husbands have died, which I am absolutely sure would have also defended her at this time. She will always have my support and my love,” Julio explained in the magazine Holathe magazine friend of the two, breaking with its usual secrecy.

He has hit the table from the Bahamas, where he shares his life with Miranda Rijnsburger: “I know that I am putting myself in a shirt of eleven rods and that this is not like me, but I want to do it for my ex-wife, for Isabel, because she deserves it and because it is deeply unfair how they are behaving towards her”. Thus, he also adds: “Isabel will have my support and my love and today she was not going to be less, only that I do it publicly,” he adds to the weekly.
the singer of I’m a knave, I’m a lord considers that Vargas Llosa has not lived up to the circumstances: “Whatever the breakup, a gentleman and a gentleman know how to end things. He goes out publicly and wishes the other person all the happiness. And if someone he wants to meddle, it is said that it is a matter of two in which one must not interfere and must be respected. The behavior of Mr. Vargas Llosa has left much to be desired. A man who has lived with a woman for eight years has to know how to act and control how the people around you act.
Thus, his judgment against the author of The city and the Dogswho has spoken in the first person and through his environment about the breakup, is definitive: “A man who has lived with a woman for eight years has to know how to act and control how the people around him act.”
The affection that she continues to have for the mother of her three eldest children is immense and, for this reason, she has made the decision to publicly stand up for her: “Isabel is exceptional, a true champion. As a mother she is exemplary, affectionate and generous, and as a woman, a ten and a teacher of life, and we people with values who have shared her life know that. What has been happening to her in recent months is totally unfair. They are reprisals against the success she has had in his life. He will always have my support and my love and today I was not going to be less, I just do it publicly”.
It also charges against Laura Boyer’s posthumous interview
The eldest daughter of the former Minister of Economy and Finance died on February 23 at the age of 53 and, a few days later, it was published in Week his posthumous interview, in which he charged against Isabel and also against her sister Ana.
On this, Julio also explains: “It is so unfair because it leaves Isabel defenseless. You cannot defend yourself or respond to someone who is no longer there. Now everything becomes mere speculation. Nobody knows the relationship that Laura had with her sister Ana, that they had not spoken for years; no one knows the relationship between my ex-wife and Ana’s father… You should not go into these things because it is unfair to draw conclusions and more in this way, with the other deceased person.