The husband of Nuria Roca has become one of the most critical commentators of the Government of Pedro Sanchez and he does not miss a good opportunity to throw darts at the president from the different television spaces in which he participates (The rock, The Anthill…). Also from social networks. Here, precisely, she receives a tremendous collection of insults that she wanted to share to respond to the continuous complaints of her husband. Begoña Gomez: “What does Pedro Sánchez say that left-wing journalists are insulted in restaurants…”
The writer does not lose his sense of humor and adorns his text with emojis of laughter, but states: “The President confuses ‘left-wing’ journalists with journalists who pay homage to him no matter what he does. It is a frequent confusion in recent times, I I maintain just the opposite… Although that is another topic.” And he adds: “By the way, I have never been insulted on the street, quite the opposite. It is not good to confuse real people with Twitter.” Del Val accompanies his message with a collage of the criticism that he himself receives through X and that is not trivial and that even affects his wife, the presenter Nuria Roca.

“I freak out at the level of insults for giving your opinion. I thank you for giving voice to what many of us think”, “Take five days off to digest this hahaha I applaud everything you said yesterday”, “People are ‘very educated and very brave’ behind a screen… Cheer up Juan”, “People are not well, starting with our president, there glued to his royal chair. I like you, Juan del Val”, “We need more Juan. del Vals en España”, “How good you are for publishing all this and not keeping quiet” are some of the messages of support he has received from his followers.
Sánchez’s “victimism”
The five days of reflection that Pedro Sánchez enjoyed after learning of the opening of investigation proceedings against his wife, Begoña Gómez, for alleged corruption, have given a lot to talk about in the small screen gatherings. Specifically, Juan del Val pointed out the president’s “victimism” and appeared “bewildered”: “I lack a playwright or a psychologist due to the absolute overacting. The image of many of the PSOE leaders is of going to the theater”he said in La Sexta.
“I still don’t know what he has done. I don’t understand it. I can understand a decision, but not a period of reflection. It seems irresponsible to me that I don’t quite understand,” he commented. “To be President of the Government you have to endure a lot of pressure and, of course, you can have empathy with a human being, there is no doubt about that, but the President of the Government has to withstand more pressure than in other professions.”