Jovic returns to the pitch

Real Madrid returned to training after the victory against Valencia (3-0) and the good news continues for Zidane. Jovic, who returned injured from the break, jumped onto the pitch for the first time since they returned to work. A sign that your recovery is on the right track. The French coach hopes to be able to count on him in the last matches of the league championship.

Zidane, as usual in the days after a game, divided the team into two: those who started against Valencia made a smooth run on the pitch to recover after the effort.. Those who did not play or who participated for a few minutes worked at a normal pace, with pressure and possession work, shots on goal and ending with a game in a reduced field.

In addition to Jovic, the rest of the injured also continue with their recovery processes. Nacho, Isco and Lucas Vázquez did individual work and did not complete any part of the session with their teammates, so they are totally ruled out for this Sunday's match.

Madrid will have one last session to prepare for Sunday's match at the Reale Arena (22:00). It will be the only training that Zidane has to prepare with all the members of the squad the clash against the people of Donostia. The rest time between both games has been very scarce, so it is expected that the coach will introduce several new features in the eleven.