Luka Jovic has given an interview to the Serbian portal Objektiv, in which he goes out to give explanations for his arrival in Serbia from Spain and all the controversy surrounding his figure in recent times. The Real Madrid striker assumes his mistake after skipping the quarantine demands in Serbia and places himself at the disposal of the authorities if they consider that isolation has been skipped.

Quarantine was skipped: “I broke the isolation because I was not aware of the rules. I know it is hard to believe, but it is true. In the country where I come from, and even in Italy, as far as we can see on the Internet, anyone in quarantine can get out throwing trash once a day, going to a pharmacy or a store. I thought the same rules applied here. It's my fault for not doing better research, but I think it's important that they explain the conditions correctly, especially for people who they come from abroad. My intention was not to blame the authorities for my ignorance, I was aware that I was isolating myself, for which there is a document that proves it. My ignorance was that I did not know how I should behave in isolation. Once again I insist that it was because of the conditions I came from. Of course, I am ready to assume the consequences of my actions. “
Differences with Spain: “As I said before, becoming aware of isolation was not a problem for me. I received a document that said that I would be isolated for the next two weeks and that we would be in contact through telephone lines. But that document did not say that I could not go to the pharmacy or the store. I certainly planned to be in solitary because of the club's order. “
What you do during your isolation: “I try to do something different every day because it is not easy to be indoors all the time, especially because I am used to demanding daily workouts. That is why I train in the apartment every day to be ready when this situation ends. Also, I watch movies and series, I watch various shows, but I also spend time on social media. I've always loved board games, so we play a different one every night. “
Your family's reaction: “They know me well and know that I would never knowingly put someone in danger. This was all a shock to both me and them, but as always, they support me unconditionally. I get in touch with them every day and they try to cheer me up. The same goes for Sofia, who is isolated with me. “
What will you do after isolation?: “First of all, I can't wait to see my son and give him a hug. I came here for him first, but the situation is such that I can't see him either, so it will be the first thing I do. Also, I would love to spend some time with the family. I would also like to help my fellow citizens. I also cannot wait to go back to the field and continue with my club where we left off. “
Will it help your country?: “Of course I will help, I have helped before and I will not stop now. Just because I don't publish when, who or how I help doesn't mean I don't. It seems to me that more humane people don't help others under the spotlights and when others are watching. “
Controversy and the selection of Serbia: “Of course it will not affect. I am always there for my country and national team and the most important thing is that I have the desire to play with them.”