José María Muñoz has appeared this afternoon in the press room of La Rosaleda. The judicial administrator of Malaga has answered questions from the media present for an hour. The sporting situation of the club, the judicial process, the state of the accounts and the complaints and criticisms regarding the management of subscribers These have been some of the issues that have been put on the table.
Before answering all the questions that have been put to him, Muñoz wanted to make a summary in which he stated that he was “proud” of his work, he clarified that the legal situation of the club has not changed and that, therefore, “there are still the same circumstances” as when he was appointed and that the word descent “is prohibited” within the club. In addition, it asks for “union” and celebrates “the illusion” generated by Pablo Guede’s arrival on the bench. “Let’s see if that wave means there are 28,000 or 30,000 fans at La Rosaleda against Valladolid…”, he wielded.
What happens if the team drops?: “It is not the same to have the support of the audiovisual rights that currently exists than not to have it. But the entity would be viable if the team goes down”.

Caso Cenk Gonen: “An email account was used that is not the one we officially have enabled. The problem is that they have recognized us that they are not going to respond to us. We have been studying it and Malaga is wrong in this case. We have the obligation to disburse that amount. It is approximately 800,000 euros.
Ontivers: “It is four million euros without interest and we are still waiting to collect. We have no news. The one who leads all the negotiation is Villarreal. We have had offers to reach an agreement, but we have not contemplated them. The problem is not Malaga, but the contract that was signed. We are troupes there. We can call, do off-the-record matters, but little else.”
CVC money in case of relegation: “That is studied. No money would have to be returned.”
Club financial status: “The accounts are immaculate. Tears come to my eyes compared to two years ago. We are very happy. The work of the sports city can be undertaken. We are undertaking it without any problem”.
Sports goals: “The previous two seasons were miraculously saved. While in this situation, the club will remain in the Second Division. Although in a more comfortable way than before”.
Number of subscribers: “13,300 right now. Far below the pretensions and the personal objective. It is an atypical year due to the pandemic situation. There have been limitations. We have to give the fans so that they come and maybe we have not been successful in giving them the best so that they come. I look at other cities similar to us or inferior. In Huelva there are 12,000 fans and they are in the fifth category. Or Depor, which is in the First RFEF, and Malaga is a bigger city than A Coruña”.
Immaculate accounts and room for growth: “That is what we are working on. More than 60 operations have been done since I arrived. Malaga has had a cost of 200,000 euros and has received 5 million. We work so that we have more salary limit. The limit is not 12.7 million euros. That’s not real. The salary limit of the first team of Malaga does not reach 7 million this year. Everything from CVC was added there and that made it seem like there was a lot of it.
Budget for next season’s squad: “We are oriented by where we can be. For next year there are 12 players with concrete without counting Kevin, Loren, Lorenzo, Andrés and Roberto. The salary limit for next season is not known by any club. We are working to make it better than this year. That’s the goal.”
Criticism of many fans for the subscription campaign: “After the pandemic there were only three consumer claims and all three were dismissed. The complaints have not reached the club here. Self-criticism we do everything. All the subscribers who have come to complain and protest have been attended to. We always try to serve everyone. Everyone who complains gets a response.”
Clay chairs against Huesca: “Until Friday morning it was raining mud in Malaga. On Saturday we were informed that it was going to continue to rain mud in Malaga. From there, there were 50 people cleaning the stadium on Saturday and Sunday. We didn’t get to all the seats.”
Have you considered applying the CVC aid to the salary limit in less time?: “There is an annual limit, which is 15 percent of the turnover. It can be applied in three years and with the limitation of the turnover. It is a club decision. We can’t risk everything in one year.”
Little knowledge about football: “The one who signs the contract is me, the person responsible is me. I’ll talk to Manolo, but I’m the one who signs the coach’s contract, the one who signs the dismissal letter”.
Lack of self-criticism: “Self-criticism we do. Yesterday we left here around ten at night and we had a lot of reflection. Following social networks is sometimes difficult. I have explained the complaints of 2019-20 before. There were three in consumption and they were dismissed. The complaints that come to the club are dealt with and they try to solve it”.
Error in the reception in the last game at home: “In the reception there was a coordination failure. This was recognized by the Animation Tier itself. It is possible that we will soon do something in that direction. The players came out.”
Future changes in the club: “To be president and CEO, you have to have very clear ideas about what economic management is. For sports and the different areas there is a professional in each area. If it was known that this situation would continue for 5, 6 or 7 years, maybe the current structure of the club would have to be changed”.
More investment months ago in the workforce to avoid this situation: “In the past, it is very easy. In July is when we have the news that there is going to be the agreement with CVC. The bulk of the template was signed. We are late in some cases. It was difficult and although the club has enough cash to support this season and the next, that does not mean that more people can be hired or the squad limit can be increased”.
Sports project: “There is a project for next year. 12 players plus the homegrown players. illusion, all You just have to see the coach train to generate hope. Malaga has not miraculously disappeared. In the summer months of 2020 we were closer to disappearance than continuity. We keep working, but the important thing is that the ball enters. I trust that it will enter from this week.”
Decisions in the sports structure: “I do not contemplate the word relegation. A club in the First Division has one dimension, in the Second Division another and in the First RFEF, another. I have not stopped making decisions and we do it every day. I will continue to make unpleasant decisions if necessary. The last day of the winter market we had a marketing of a player who was interesting for Malaga. We live a marketing with the representative. Players were offered who were economically well above the salary of the current ones but not in terms of quality. We have had many injuries. Last year there weren’t so many injuries or setbacks.”
Three trainers: “Salaries are covered. The new coach does not know what he is going to charge. He has made a very big effort. He loses money to be here in Malaga”.
Open processes with José Alberto and Natxo González?: “With José Alberto, the dismissal is being processed. With Natxo we are exchanging with his agents, but there is already an agreement”.
Objective permanence while the situation continues as follows: “This year it is clear. For next year, no. You have to be as high as possible. It will work for that. Next year’s goal has to be to be much higher”.
Second sanction against Atlético Malagueño: “We do a lot of pressure, officially and unofficially. We are in talks with the RFEF regarding the compensation formula for last year. This year they have resolved and they have said that they will not agree to our precautionary measure of giving us the three points because we are going to resolve it before the end of the season and we are waiting for them to resolve it”.