With a season that has been very complicated personally due to some physical problems that prevented him from being from the start, Jose Mariteam captain, He has given a good example in the final stretch of the championship of his quality and the importance he has for Cádiz. The roteño in an interview with the official media maintains that in this course 21/22 “the balance is superpositive”.
And it is that the Cadiz midfielder explained that “in the end we achieved the objective that the club had, which was to stay one more season in the First Division, with the difficulty that came with all the problems we’ve had. The truth is that after a very difficult season in many aspects, of many ups and downs, of not finding the key at the beginning of the season, of many changes, in the end the team has remade itself. He has continued to believe and managed to stay in the First Division”.
With regard to the best moment of the season, he has no doubt that he is sticking with “what we spent in Vitoria”. And it was a very special moment. “All of us who lived through that day had never experienced it. There had been special moments, very nice moments, but that of being pending two more games, having one that was very difficult to win with all the psychological conditions that it had due to that pressure . And then having all of our people there, the how it was… it was wonderful.”.
Regarding the worst moment, he acknowledges that “there have been many difficult moments. We have had problems that everyone knows… when there is a change of coach it is because things are going wrong. After so long there were difficult times because we had been with the previous coaching staff for many years, with Cervera and others, but football has these things. Also part of the permanence is for them because we had a job done that Sergio has taken advantage of giving his nuances and improving certain things that we lacked. In the end, this is everyone’s job and those bad times have also served to grow and achieve beauty.”

To the fans of Cadizthe roteño thanked him “the fact that they are always there, that whatever the circumstance they do not leave us alone. The love they feel for their club is incredible and we are privileged to have the fans we have. For us it is the best in all of Spain That they continue enjoying themselves, believing in this team and supporting us because we are going to try to continue growing”.