José Manuel’s tie

Villarreal has an opportunity to make history in the Champions League and beat Juventus in Turin, one of the historic ones. It would be a success for the Plana club. The yellows arrive in what could be their best moment of the season, showing a great level of play and results. Pere the match against Juven also comes at a special moment for the club, since all of Villarreal is pending the personal situation of its vice president, José Manuel Llaneza, who last week announced that he has leukemia.

Emery wants to dedicate the pass to the next round to Llaneza, a way to show him his importance for the group and the club, as well as one more point of encouragement and affection for his recovery. But, in addition, the coach wants his players to also have extra motivation so as not to lower your arms in possible bad moments.

Shield/Flag Villarreal

A special factor that he already used in the G’Danks final, which he defined as the final of President Fernando Roig against United. That was not such a complicated and tough situation as the Llaneza situation, but it was also a blow to the team that the yellow president could not live his grand finale dream after testing positive for COVID. For this reason, the coach focused his motivational talk on making history and on the figure of Roig.

Juventus Shield/Flag

Now the team faces another challenge, that of eliminating Juventus and it does so with its vice president at the helm. For this reason, when Emery questioned whether he dedicated the victory in Granada to him, he pointed out that this was a good victory, but that his idea was that the tie against Juventus would be “The José Manuel Llaneza tie”.