Jorge Javier Vázquez is rich: the millionaire pasture that he has won thanks to the latest movement of his company

Jorge Javier Vazquez has reason to smile after the fall from grace of Save me. The presenter from Badalona, ​​who has been on vacation in Crete and Argentina, was not in the final stretch of his program due to medical leave, but from September he will return to the Telecinco screens with an interview program that will compete directly with the anthill by Pablo Motos.

The chain’s high hopes also rest on Ana Rosa Quintanawhich takes place in the afternoons in September, and in Big Brother VIP 8which will not have Jorge Javier in charge, but rather Marta Fitch. Mediaset seeks to regain momentum in Telecinco’s audiences, which after the end of Save me on June 23 they have plummeted even more to the point of reaching historic lows since the birth of the Fuencarral chain in the nineties.

Beyond television, the Catalan communicator has not neglected his main company, Jorge Javier SL, in recent years. So much so that the accounts for the 2022 financial year have emerged and the presenter does not lose out at all. His company obtained a net profit of 254,798.01 euros thanks mainly to the sale of a good that he sold above its purchase price, according to reveals The confidential This Friday exclusively.

On the other hand, in the 2022 financial year, the communicator also received a series of payments from his company for the work carried out. These amounted to 1.47 million euros, somewhat higher than the 1.38 million he received in 2021. These payments were added to his fixed salary: as administrator of his own company, he would have earned 98,865.7 in 2022 euro. The partnership reflects expenses related primarily to his theatrical adventures (his latest, Dismantling Seneca, it did not go well) and also activities of productions of television and radio programs. His work in Save me was not included in this society.

Jorge has also had El Laboratorio de la Voz SL since 2012, created as a singing school, which made losses of 45,052.45 euros in 2022 and would reflect practically no activity, according to the same newspaper.

In June, weeks before the end of Save me, Jorge announced his see you later on television. But in September, as we said, he will return to the screens thanks to La Fábrica de la Tele, the producer of Save me. chinese talesas the format is called, is one of Telecinco’s new bets for the access prime time.