Jorge Javier Vázquez does not accept advice and defends his ‘Diario’ despite its ratings failure: “A program requires time”

Jorge’s diarywhich premiered in the middle of summer and in a difficult time slot for this new Telecinco, has only fallen in ratings since its premiere on July 29. This Monday it reached a minimum of 6.8% share. This Tuesday it only rose one tenth (6.9%) with 626,000 average viewers.

A week and a half after its premiere, the presenter of the defunct Save me publishes this Wednesday on his blog Readings: “You’ll understand that I need my time off. I was so nervous during the first programme. I was really excited, my heart was racing. I hadn’t had that feeling for years.”recognize.

However, a few days later, Jorge Javier Vázquez felt more comfortable on the set: “I came home very happy. The pieces are starting to fall into place. I am getting used to dynamics and to Verónica, the director, who is the person I have now on the earpiece.” In this sense, he justifies himself: “I have had the same people in my ear for many years: in the Deluxein it Save me dailyin Survivorsin There is one thing I want to tell you. Getting used to another requires time, patience and enthusiasm.“. So, he assesses the quality of the format: “In one week we have made more than adequate progress”.

However, the presenter has distanced himself from the opinions published on social networks and gives advice to other presenters: “I recommend that all colleagues who are launching a program stay away from social networks.. Obviously, everyone has an opinion. And everyone is partly right, so you have all the chances to go crazy.” However, he admits: “What I can’t stand is advice. For several reasons.” One of them: “Advice is not given, it is asked for”.

Jorge, who at the beginning of the season experienced the rapid cancellation of Chinese tales In prime time, he does not make any assessments of the audiences that his new programme is garnering, but he does ask for time: “When faced with a television premiere, I often remember the hundred days that are given to a government that has just come to power to be able to begin to assess its actions. The same goes for a daily television programme that is born with a vocation for permanence. It takes time to acquire soul, heart and life, as the bolero would say.“.

Jorge Javier Vázquez arrived at Mediaset in 2003 and since then he has been the star presenter (Save me, GH, Survivors…). On July 25th, his renewal with the group was announced. But everything changed a year ago, when he feared being fired coinciding with the end of Save meThe setback suffered in 2023 was accentuated by the failure of Chinese talesHowever, everything has changed in recent months, as the network has once again made him its favourite presenter and has entrusted him with the most important projects.

In addition to Jorge’s diary which does not start, and Survivorsthe Catalan plans to present the new next season Big Brother of Anonymous y There is one thing I want to tell you. “I am the example of what television is. Whoever wants to know what television is like, look at me. On television, when the moment comes, everything suddenly disappears,” he told us in an interview with Informalia.
