Jorge Garbajosa: “Laia Palau is an iconic figure in Spanish sport”


The president of the Spanish Basketball Federation (FEB), Jorge Garbajosa, acknowledged that it was “shameful” to know that the veteran Laia Palau put an end to her sports career on Tuesday, but that she does so as “an iconic figure of Spanish sport.

“Surely it is the perfect day to do it because I know her and she always makes the best decisions, but it is also a day that makes us sad because Laia Palau is retiring, who is not only one of the best players there has ever been but an iconic figure. of the sport of our country that has given everything, far beyond everything it has given on the field, which has been a lot,” Garbajosa said in a video.

For the leader, the Catalan, who after Tokyo 2020 ended her international career, “the moment” has come. “The only thing we can do is thank her and eternal recognition, which she already had with the national team and she has with her club, with which she feels very identified, and which she will always have from Spanish sport, not only for women, and for those of us who love the sport of our country. It will have a privileged place,” he confessed.

“This does not mean that his basketball path ends here because I am sure that with what he loves this sport, he will continue to be linked to basketball in the coming years. We have had a thousand conversations in recent years about his future and he will make the best choice for her and to continue contributing from another point of view”, sentenced the former player.