Great scare that has taken Jorge Fernandez (52), the presenter of The wheel of luckthree days before the end of the year. The Basque communicator took advantage of the last weekend of 2024 to practice one of his great passions: skiing. However, what was going to be a few days of sport and disconnection ended with an unfortunate accident, which left him with a broken rib.
“How to break a rib skiing in the dumbest way“Jorge began writing this Friday on his Instagram profile, where he also published the video of the accident and an x-ray, where you can see the broken rib.
Likewise, in the post, the presenter explained that he fractured his rib because one of his skis got caught on a small branch. “Everything was going perfectly until in the silliest way and when I was standing still, my top ski got caught on a small branch, I pivoted giving a small “spin” and fell on my side with the only log cut by someone that was on the entire descent.“, revealed.

In his message, the driver of The wheel of luck He clarified that the fracture is in the ninth rib and revealed how long he has to be without skiing. “At least for a month and a half“, he assured. Before finishing his intervention on networks, Jorge thanked the support he received from the friends who accompanied him. “Thank you Oriol and Coral for taking care of me“, he expressed.
The publication already has thousands of ‘Likes’ and hundreds of comments. “It hurts… take care of yourself“, wrote Sonsoles Onega in the presenter’s post. Roberto Leal He also wished him a speedy recovery. “God. Much encouragement, Jorge“, he stated.