Jordi González's anger with the criticism he has received for the new 'D Corazón' on TVE: “They put me in a bad mood”

This weekend TVE premiered the new D Corzón, an extended version of the program that the public network usually broadcast with gossip information. With more time and several collaborators than before, Anne Igartiburu and Jordi González lead this space that has not been well received by the audience.

D Heart has clearly lost against Socialite, its main rival. If on Saturday it achieved 6.1% compared to 10% for the Telecinco format, on Sunday the situation was similar: 6.5% for D Heart and 9.5% for María Verdoy's program.

The premiere of D Heart It also received numerous criticisms on social networks and many of them were addressed in Sunday's installment through a section, presented by Sergio Recio, which showed messages that viewers had left on social networks. “Some didn't like it at all”, he said in reference to comments that appeared superimposed – “What nonsense,” said one – on a screen. “We are going to work to make them stay with us,” continued the collaborator, who also highlighted other positive opinions that highlighted the role of Alba Carrillo -“agile, fun and funny”- or the work of the presenters.

“Thank you very much for both the positive and negative comments. We, from here, promise to improve,” said the employee of D Heart, although Jordi González did not have that same spirit when addressing the criticism. “I don't thank the negative ones, because they make me in a bad mood. And that's it,” snapped the presenter, who did not understand that there were followers who reproached them for the header's music being too loud. “Is it our fault that the music is too loud? But do they really think that we are here playing the music? “, reproached the presenter, although he had previously admitted in a low voice that” that [el volumen de la música] They told me that too.”
