Jordi González, angry with Íñigo Onieva after his restaurant stood up ‘D Corazón’: “He’s stupid”

Since he decided to open a restaurant together with Espinosa de los Monteros and ‘El Turronero’, Inigo Onieva has been in the spotlight. Above all, because of the controversies that revolve around his business, which accumulates dozens of bags of garbage at the doors every day, causing a wave of complaints among the neighbors of the streets of the capital. Complaints and criticisms that the program led by Jordi Gonzalez, D Heart wanted to see for themselves. So, TVE contacted the restaurant management to do a report, which was scheduled to be recorded last Wednesday, but which never took place.

In less than 24 hours, the restaurant’s top brass cancelled the recording: “This program is quite disappointed with Íñigo Onieva”said Anne Igartiburu this Saturday during the program. Tamara Falcó’s husband and the restaurant’s managers gave the public entity’s format a cold shoulder because “They already have a loyal clientele and they don’t want to open the door to generating more negative noise because of this interview”. This is how Clara Rivas explained it, who did not understand the cancellation of the report: “If you’re not afraid of anything and you think your restaurant is wonderful, why don’t you let us do a report?”the editor asked.

However, the one who showed his greatest anger with the husband of the Marchioness of Griñón was Jordi González, who exploded against the management of the restaurant: “Whoever responded like that is stupid, either a fool or a fool. It’s a very bad answer because it assumes that we are going to disappoint them.” The presenter also issued a clear warning: “I predict that, before half a year is out, they will ask us to go and, then, we will have something to do.”

Regarding the fact that they refused to do the report “because they have a loyal clientele,” Alba Carrillo said ironically: “At least there is now something loyal to Íñigo Onieva, which is his clientele. I am very happy with that.”“You see? There was no need to do a report to criticize you,” said Jordi González, sending a clear message to those responsible for Íñigo Onieva’s restaurant.
