Jordi Farré, promoter and representative of the vote of no confidence against Josep Maria Bartomeu, spoke on Catalunya Ràdio minutes after the platform Més que una Moció presented 20,731 signatures that they trust to be valid to activate the vote. “Today has been crazy. People have thrown themselves in and we are very happy. He was optimistic from day one. I had been very interested in the opinion of the partners and I have contact with a part of the partners who until now had been very close to Bartomeu and now they wanted a change. That made me present the motion, “the pre-candidate for the 2015 elections began and that it is for the next ones.”I am very convinced that we will make the cut. We have been very scrupulous. At the end a notarial act has been made. This is very different from elections. It may be that someone has signed for two but we will pass the cut, “he said.

And then he made his forecast: “I think Bartomeu will resign. The almost 21,000 firms represent 20.5% of the membership census. I don't think you risk a referendum. It would be the first successful vote of no confidence. I ask you to resign and call the elections immediately. This is the straw that has broken the camel's back and I am convinced that it will go away. More than 20,000 members have told him to leave. I sincerely believe that it will go away“.
On the internal problems that existed between the three candidates, he did not want to go into the matter in depth: “In the end, we all had a common goal. Each one comes from a place, from a world. Each one with a strategy because we are three different candidates. But there was a common goal. What has worked is that we have worked together. We are the group that, by far, we have obtained more signatures “.