The delivery of the signatures of the candidates in the Camp Nou offices left stamps of all kinds. Some of euphoria, like those of the candidates who passed the cut, and others of frustration. Jordi Farré, again a pre-candidate for the elections as in 2015 and promoter of the motion of censure that ended up overthrowing Josep Maria Bartomeu (the firms that forced him to resign) it smashed the firms that had received no less than 2,082 supports.

Farré took the signatures to the offices of the Barça club from the headquarters of his candidacy (Nou Impuls), in Carrer Numancia, but he broke them before the electoral Board counted them. A decision that could affect the validation process since the Electoral Board must verify that there are no duplicate signatures to confirm the official candidacies for the presidency in the elections on January 24. Two other candidates, Lluís Fernández Alá and Pere Riera, did the same that Jordi Farré and destroyed theirs. Vilajoana, who did pass it, does allow his 1,968 signatures to be validated.