Jon Uriarte has officially become the new president of Athletic. The Biscayan businessman and his Board of Directors have presented the corresponding pre-guarantee required by the Club’s Statutes and have already received the corresponding validation from the Electoral Board.
In this way, Uriarte he becomes the 33rd president in the history of the rojiblanca entity. The composition of the Board is as follows:
President: Jon Uriarte Uranga
1st Vice President: Nerea Ortiz Olarra
2nd Vice President: Jon Ruigómez Matxin
Secretary: Jon Salinas Aguirre
Deputy Secretary: Xabier Alvarez Lombardia
Treasurer: Guillermo Ruiz-Longarte Perez
Vice Treasurer: Adolfo Plaza Izaguirre
Igor St. Roman Matxain
Jose Urrutia Beristain
Ibon Naberan Álvarez
Egoitz Begoña Bilbao
Ignacio Uriguen Echeverria
Roque Echaniz Urrutia
Laura Ruiz de Azua Esturo
Ana Diez Alvarez
Gorka Cubes San Salvador del Valle
Ainhoa Iza Rodriguez
Goizalde Santamarina Cabrero
Garazi Unibaso Duque
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