Joana Sanz and Dani Alves talk about numbers in prison: there is no agreement for the divorce

The model returned to visit her still husband in the Brians II prison, in Barcelona, ​​last Sunday. It is the first time they have seen each other after the announcement of their separation and although they want to maintain a cordial relationship, things have not started on the right foot. Dani Alves y Joana Sanz they married in July 2017 and although they do not have children in common (the most controversial point of any divorce) they do share properties and businesses that neither is willing to give up.

Read also – Joana Sanz breaks down after Dani Alves’ pullitas and cries her eyes out: “It hurts so much…”

According to Carlos Quílez, the distribution of their shared assets was the central point of their conversation last Sunday. Both put their respective economic situations on the table and made an inventory of what they shared: homes, premises, an industrial warehouse and also the money from a joint bank account. There was no agreement on the distribution.

The Canarian will stay in Barcelona for a few days to meet with her advisers and study the most convenient situation and present a satisfactory agreement to Dani Alves, who continues to be immersed in a war of resources between the prosecution and the defense to finalize the investigation process of the case. Only one test is missing, the psychosocial report of the alleged victim, which will be carried out by the coroner of the court. The disagreement stems from the request of Cristóbal Martorell (the soccer player’s lawyer) for a forensic specialist hired by him to be present at the inspection, something that the woman refuses. The trial is scheduled for next summer and everything indicates that Alves will continue in pretrial detention until then.