Joan Mir: “It’s the worst year of my career, I didn’t expect it at all”


The Spanish MotoGP rider Joan Mir (Suzuki) acknowledged this Wednesday that he is experiencing “the worst year” of his sports career, a season that was not “expected”, although he celebrated that this “challenge” has “carried forward with a note” , before beginning a “second stage” at Honda.

“I think it’s the worst year of my sports career, but by far. I didn’t expect a year like this at all. It’s difficult to manage, it’s not being easy for me,” admitted Mir, star of the new installment of the TV show DAZN ‘Carpool’.

Mir was proclaimed champion of the highest category in 2020, although he regretted that his title has not received the recognition it should. “No, in the year of COVID. What happens? That we were all infected with COVID and I was fine? And there is no mention that, 20 years later, the title was won with Suzuki in my second year of MotoGP”, express.

Last May his current team officially announced that he was leaving the World Championship, which caused the Spanish rider to sign for Honda, after four seasons at Suzuki. However, the Balearic did not reveal if he would have continued in the Japanese team if it had continued on the grid. “It’s an answer that I’m going to keep to myself. But when a factory like Honda knocks on the door, it’s hard to say no,” he confessed.

“It starts as a second stage in my sports career. When I entered 2018 and we signed with Suzuki, we could have said at that moment: ‘We are going to some other more established factory at that time’. And I decided to take the challenge, in quotes , more complicated. And somehow we have pulled it off with flying colours. This gives me the strength to say that I can overcome any challenge and that is why Honda’s challenge is a challenge with bigger words after all these complicated years that have dragged on” , he concluded.