Joan Laporta negotiates his presidency against the clock

TO Joan Laporta they fit 24 hours to achieve gather a board and a group investor that allows you to be president of Barcelona. The very long electoral campaign and winning the elections last Sunday was child's play bought with the frantic last hours that the former president lives in search of a guarantee of 124.6 million euros that certifies his triumph in the urns. Since Sunday Jaume Giró, his main economic bulwark in the candidacy got off the ship, the problems accumulate.

By virtue of the statutes of the club, Laporta has only 24 hours for present the guarantee at the LaLiga headquarters and be sworn in as president. A presidency that depends on a race against the clock in search of new managers and investors that lasted during the early morning.

The alarms, which were already on since Giró's resignation on Sunday, soared to unsuspected limits when late at night the newspaper Ara and RAC1 reported that the president-elect I did not have the definitive endorsement and negotiated on the horn.

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The solution was the entry of the patrimony of Audax Renewables, with Eduard Romeu as vice president who seemed confident early Monday, but was reeling near the final whistle.

As explained by RAC1 Laporta and its directors they were calling various Catalan businessmen at midnight yesterday offering them a put on the board in exchange for guaranteeing an amount between 6 and 12 million euros to be able to present the guarantee on Tuesday morning.

According to sources from the Laporta's candidacy, the guarantee is I was going to sign yes or yes last Sunday and he was going to appear on Monday at the LaLiga headquarters so that the winner of the elections could be invested as new president on wednesday. Neither of these deadlines is being met. And they are closed, it will be absolutely in the photo finish.

To add more pepper to the case, the daily ARA reported that the Laporta board I was only capable of cover 50 million of endorsement of 124.6 that would be negotiated with Banc Sabadell, which in turn would require a counter guarantee of 70 million that must be achieved in a few hours. The Catalan newspaper pointed to the possibility that this amount would be covered by the investment fund HPS Partners.

Uncertain hours for a club that lives permanently in the abyss.