JIM’s warning to Eibar

Juan Ignacio Martinez’JIM‘, coach of Royal Saragossahas made it clear that his team, despite not having anything at stake both for the top and the bottom of the table, is not going to make things easy for the leader Eibar this Saturday in Ipurua because they face the clash “commitment and professionalism “.

“They are going to find a super competitive team in front of them”, JIM anticipated in his appearance at a press conference at the La Romareda stadium about the match and he trusts that his team will be able to play against the Eibarreses because in his opinion ” If there is a team capable of beating Eibar, it is Real Zaragoza”.

After the lousy game they played the previous day against Burgos, the coach from Alicante has recognized that during the week they have analyzed it in depth. “We have made self-criticism because” we did not offer our best version and we were all annoyed “, although he has assured that it would have been” cruel “on his part” to go further.

In this sense, JIM has assessed that during this season “beyond the irregularity”, which has led them to tie 19 games so far, “the group competes well”.

JIM recalled that the gunsmiths are “playing such a beautiful thing, that everyone here would like, like going up to the First Division” but that does not mean extra motivation although “it triples that we have to play a very strong game” to win because this season he only lost the first game he played last August and since then “he has always added”.

JIM has analyzed that one of the problems that the Aragonese team is having this season is to overcome the rivals that carry out an intensive withdrawal and play steal and counterattack. However, with whom “we have played one on one, we have competed very well” and remembering the game against the azulgranas in the first round, he stated that “we played a great match”, although now they have some positional changes.

On the fact that with his teams he has never lost to Eibar, the man from Alicante has acknowledged that “I have always been very lucky” but his team arrives at the game “touched” after the confrontation with Burgos and “they are into life “Because there are several teams in one or two points for promotion.

JIM is confident that he will be able to count on most of the players who have some physical problem, although he will wait until the last moment after training this Friday and before traveling to facilitate the call.

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