JIM, fourth coach who follows from season to season

Juan Ignacio Martinez arrived at Real Zaragoza just before the Christmas break, he worked the miracle of permanence and is already working towards the next course with the aim of fighting for promotion to First division. A deserved continuity and that has not been very common between one season and another in the Aragonese club since it descended to Second in 2013. In fact, it has only happened four times; in the other five there was a new coach.

The first to have continuity from one campaign to another was Victor Muñoz, who arrived at Real Zaragoza after the 30th match of 2013-14 and was dismissed after the 14th of 2014-15. His substitute was Ranko Popovic, which also continued to the following course, although it only lasted 18 games. The third to achieve this continuity was Victor Fernandez, which began its third stage at La Romareda against Extremadura on the 19th round of 2018-19 and also completed the following season. And the fourth is JIM, who began his stage at Real Zaragoza on December 13.

Real Zaragoza Shield / Flag

On the other hand, the five coaches who started the course without having been in the Aragonese team the previous season were Paco Herrera (2013-14), Luis Milla (2016-17), Natxo González (2017-18), Imano Idiákez (2018-19) and Rubén Baraja (2020-21). All of them except Natxo González, they were fired mid-season. In addition, three other technicians neither started nor finished the course in these eight years in the Second Division: Raúl Agné (2016-17), Lucas Alcaraz (2018-19) and Iván Martínez (2020-21).