Jesús Ortiz, father of Queen Letizia, lashes out at the press: “Juntaletras casposos”

Queen Letizia’s father, Jesús Ortiz, has pounced on some digital media that he calls “caposo journalism”. It has been on his Twitter account. The journalist and communicator, now retired, He lashes out at the media days after he published on his networks that he was the victim of a possible scam.

“New motto of cheesy journalism: that the truth does not spoil a good monetization of your website“This is how Jesús Ortiz’s tweet begins. “I write ‘journalism’ in quotation marks, because if I say ‘juntaletras casposos’, Because they don’t do journalism, maybe I don’t make myself understood. What a bunch of unpresentables!“, he finishes.

He launched this post days after he alerted the Police -also via Twitter- that he had been the victim of a possible scam, a fact that was picked up by many media.

Hello, Police. I suspect this is a scam attempt. Arrived in my mailbox on 08/01/23“This is how he wrote next to a screenshot in which it could be read that they write to him from a supposed compensation office of the European Union.