Jémez: “I want a team that is capable of playing longer in the opposite field”

Paco Jémez debuted with victory as coach of UD Ibiza, in a match against Fuenlabrada (1-2) in which he said that he had “liked the second part more than the first” of his set. A block to which it launched a message: “I want to see a team that is capable of playing longer in the opposite half and having more ball, although today due to the pressure of the opponent and the terrain, which was very slippery, it was very complicated, “said the coach of the Balearic squad. He made it clear that he sees “a lot of potential” and “a lot of talent” in a group that what he “needs is to break free” and “go out to the country to enjoy.”

Emblem / Flag UD Ibiza-Eivissa

“I think that in the second half we had more ball, we were more vertical … In the first, I don’t know if we had to adapt to the field, which was very difficult, very complicated. We had too much back play, with too much possession that it was not leading anywhere. The change that has taken place at halftime I think has been what I am left with. The change of mentality, of playing more forward … We knew that Fuenla was not going to settle for a draw, and therefore moments has made us defend behind, “he said Jemez.

The pitiusos coach declared that “returning to the bench is like riding a bicycle, you never forget.” What’s more, “I missed” that life as a coach. “The victory is the gift to start a new era with a new team, a new club, and start well. But we still have a lot of work to do. It is true that the team is very competitive and very generous in the effort, but in As for football, I believe that we are still very far from what I think this team can give. Many times, results like today’s give you that confidence to dare to do more things, “said Jémez.

The Balearic Islands coach said he wants “a team with confidence”, and that “if he has to lose, he must do so by playing football”, something he saw “more in the second half than in the first.” “I want to think that we are still light years away. Undoubtedly, the work helps, but they [los futbolistas] they have to convince themselves that they are better than they really think. Or they are much better than what the latest results have actually said. In the end, you are only as good as you prove. I see a lot of potential in the team, but I also see a lot of handbrake applied. I have to take off all those handbrakes, but that is going to take time, “commented the coach of the UD Disaster.

Jémez did not hide when talking about the maximum penalty that was awarded to Fuenlabrada, which led to 1-1 for Madrid. “What we are going to do is sign players with amputated arms and thus we are going to save ourselves from being whistled. Like that play there are ten thousand in a game. It seems very rigorous to me. I am not going to go in to assess the referee’s work because it is very complicated. He has seen a penalty, well perfect. But if you give a penalty for that type of contact, you are setting the bar too complicated and difficult, “he said.