Jayson Granger, MVP of the ACB in November


Bitci Baskonia player Jayson Granger was designated by the ACB as MVP Movistar for November, debuting with this award after averaging 25 points, 5.7 triples, 5.7 assists and a PIR of 25, which make him the best player in a brilliant month for the charrúa.

Granger is crowned MVP Movistar of the last month after averaging a PIR of 25 in the three games he played with the Vitoria team during the month of November, with a balance of two wins and one loss for his team. It is the first time, since his debut in 2007-08 and after 319 games in the competition, in which the Uruguayan point guard has won such an award, which he achieved almost 6 years after his only nomination for Player of the Day in the season. 2014-15, in his time at Unicaja.

The Malaga team was, precisely, their first great victim in November, on a day in which they saved the Baskonia team with triples. Jayson Granger endorsed a 7/11 from 6.75 to Unicaja, adding 24 points, 6 assists, 3 recoveries and 26 PIR to work the comeback and sentence a vital victory for his team.

The following weekend, Bitci Baskonia could not repeat the triumph in Gran Canaria, although the Uruguayan point guard returned to the height, with 13 points, 6 assists, 2 recoveries, 2 rebounds and 3 fouls received, to reach the 17 valuation, with a +5 for the Basques with him on the track, being again decisive.

MoraBanc Andorra was the last victim of the Uruguayan point guard who traced his display against Unicaja with 7/10 in triples to come back, 25 points to dominate and a constant and omnipresent presence to reach a PIR of 32 and leave the victory at the Buesa Arena.