Jaume Munar surpasses his debut in Shanghai and Zapata says goodbye


The Spanish tennis player Jaume Munar got off to a good start in the Shanghai tournament, the eighth Masters 1,000 of the season, by beating the Chinese Rigele Te (6-2, 6-4), while the also Spanish Bernabé Zapata fell (6-1, 7-6(3)) against the American Brandon Nakashima.

Munar, who in the second round will face the 19th seed Ben Shelton, signed his first victory in the Asian tournament in his first participation and the first on hard court of the season. The Spaniard started with a break that helped him lead the first set to 6-2.

In the second act, the local tennis player, invited by the organization, did no harm to the Spaniard’s serve either and gave up his serve in the fifth game. Munar thus returned with victory to the ATP circuit, since the end of July in Umag (Croatia), playing the last few months on the Challenger circuit.

In addition, Zapata said goodbye again in his debut like last week in Astana. The Valencian, also a debutant at the Shanghai Masters 1,000, entered with a bad set that complicated his progress. In the second, the Spaniard did bring out his quality, but he did not manage to break his rival and, in sudden death, Nakashima played better with a cushion.