Jasikevicius: “In the most difficult moments of the Cup the important thing is to survive”


Barça’s coach, Sarunas Jasikevicius, highlighted the reaction of his players after UCAM Murcia’s push in the Copa del Rey semifinals (103-90) and assured that “the important thing is to survive in the difficult moments” of the tournament of ‘ K.O’, which comes to an end this Sunday with a new ‘Clásico’ in the final.

“I want to congratulate our fans and our players for this victory. We are very happy because in the most difficult moments of the Cup the important thing is to survive and go to the next round, learning a little, right? Today we haven’t done everything very well and what we have talked about to improve has failed us”, he admitted.

“In some moments they have taken us out of the match with their physical play but the team has been able to respond and once again a typical Cup match. We are very happy to be in the final and now it’s time to think about our rival and prepare for this match that is coming very fast for us”, commented ‘Saras’.

“Discipline is the most important thing in difficult times and that’s when you have to be more together and orderly. I think we haven’t achieved this and we’ve talked about it now in the locker room, but I repeat that the effort has been very great and we have to think already in the end”, added the coach culé, who prevailed the victory.

“Everything changes very quickly in the Cup. In some situations, as a ‘staff’, we haven’t been able to prepare the team but right now we are classified and we have an experienced team that can learn from these mistakes. With each round that you advance in the Cup the demand goes up and the rivals are better. You have to give a little more, although maybe that’s not the good word. Words are much more, “he said.

In addition, Jasikevicius recognized that the Cup has something different. “We already knew it when we saw our part of the draw. In the Cup you always suffer and each team knows that they have a chance of beating you. It is such a special competition that each team feels that they can beat you. I was sure that UCAM Murcia thought they could beat us .

Regarding Nick Calathes, he said that they both speak “very clearly”. “We have not found this discipline that my team needs in bad times. When things are going well everyone is happy but when things get difficult you have to put a lot of order. Nick is a coach on the track and sometimes he made decisions off the pitch. plan,” he said.

Regarding the final against Real Madrid, the Blaugrana coach regretted not having more time to prepare for the game. “It is true that we have little time but the other teams, too. This is not an excuse for the final (…) Some are going to want to use what has worked before, others will know where to attack… We have to give the maximum “, he finished.