Janja, Lula da Silva’s wife who intends to revolutionize the role of first lady: her best kept “little secret”

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (77) won this Sunday, October 30, the elections in Brazil against the current ruler, Jair Bolsonaroand in his first pronouncement after emerging victorious, he promised to “restore peace” in a divided country.

“I want to dedicate this extraordinary victory to democracy and the Brazilian people. Finally, freedom is back and people will be able to smile again. I thank each and every one of those who voted for me and were part of this campaign. The reason of this victory is the effort of all those who believed that Brazil can once again be a better country. Thank you very much, and until the inauguration, God willing”, the new leader, who was already president of his country between 2003 and 2011. Brazilians have once again trusted him after three years marked by the ultra-conservative mandate of Bolsonaro.

Personally, for this new mandate, Lula has the support of Rosangela da Silvaknown as Trick, whom he married in May of this year in an intimate ceremony in São Bernardo do Campo, a city on the outskirts of São Paulo. On October 27, on the occasion of Lula’s birthday, Janja wrote on social networks: “Congratulations my love! We will celebrate your birthday in a few days, because today is just work and concentration, but don’t worry, you will have a chocolate cupcake just the way you like it. I love you forever.”

Rosangela Silva was born in Sao Paulo on August 27, 1966, so she is now 56 years old, 21 years younger than her husband. She studied Sociology at the Federal University of Paraná and is specialized in History from the same institution and in Social Management and Sustainable Development. Janja, who has been a member of the Workers’ Party (PT) since the 1980s, and Lula met during one of the party’s famous “citizen caravans.”

According to Brazilian media, during the 580 days that Lula was in jail for corruption, Janja visited him up to seven times. There they compromised and regretted not having the right to any vis-à-vis. “I am in love as if I were 20 years old, as if she were my first girlfriend. I will marry in the most peaceful way possible and I will campaign happily. I have learned that when you lose your wife and you think that life no longer makes sense, when you believe that everything is over, a person appears who begins to give meaning to your life again”, recognized Lula da Silva, who entered prison in April 2018 and was released in November 2019, to the magazine Time.

Janja, a feminist by conviction, has already anticipated that if Lula won the elections, as has happened, she would give a new meaning to the concept of first lady. “I have a little secret: we are going to try to give a new meaning to that concept of first lady, later we will talk about it,” she confessed on Instagram. Rosángela has accompanied her husband in each of her rallies, being a fundamental pillar for him and her party.

Lula, for his part, cried in February 2017 over the death of Marisa Letícia Rocco, with whom he was married for more than four decades. With her he had three children: fabio, Sandro y Luís. The new president also adopted Marcos, son from a previous relationship of hers. Less than a month before her death at age 66, Rocco suffered a stroke.