New intimate tour to celebrate anniversary and a song that perfectly reflects a mood: I have faith. Merche leads almost a life on stage and knows the industry as few. Changes arrive in his life, in summer he moves with his daughter to his Cádiz del Almaand do not hesitate to analyze and celebrate Melody’s triumph as representative from Spain to Eurovision. Merche was also about to go but today he doesn’t even go through his head.
This season touches anniversary celebrations with a tour of only six cities. Do you need intimacy?
I had a very nice year but without leaving the road and I have returned with a new song and a tour of only six cities because it is a very special show. I wanted to do something different for my 23 years in music but then the long summer tour will come.

His new theme says that “you have faith.” In what?
In life, in love in capital letters.
The love of a couple?
Of course romantic love is what makes us vibrate but also friends, family, nature. I still believe in love and that life has given me the occasional Guantazo but I prefer to continue believing in that love in capital letters that does not release you and is with you in good times and bad. The last time I saw love in capital letters was when the misfortune of the Dana spent in Valencia and there were riades of people who voluntarily came to help without anyone asking for it. In that love it is in which I believe and the one that I claim in this song.
The young people broke the mold of their fame of glass generation.
Indeed. They gave us a lesson to the elderly and I want to believe that people are good. Although I give myself, I prefer to think that being like those who believe it is better to think badly.
What has been your last disappointment?
For a friendship. My lifelong people are always close, in good and even in the removals that is a fire test. But over the years you get certain disappointments. I have spent 35 years of my life very happy and then more than a wand has arrived. It is good to learn the lesson although surely stumbles again.
What happened to that change?
More than something in particular, until that age I had never happened to me especially bad except the small nonsense. When you are an adult is when you get serious problems. You are raffling everything until a stone that you cannot dodge arrives. But I am one of those who instead of licking the wounds I prefer to get up with more force and continue walking.
You really never are. I guess has been very aware of Benidorm Fest where Melody has won.
I have been very happy that I have won Melody because she is a fighter who has been fighting for having this opportunity and that is why she made me especially happy. I think Spain is going to play a great role because it will be a show with force, personality and an impeccable voice. Already on the position we are left, I do not risk because many times it does not correspond to what we deserve but I am convinced that it will do it well and will leave the bar very high.
It is clear that it was your favorite.
For me yes. I know her both her and her family since she was very young. It has a huge personality. There were other candidates that I love, such as the spark, an immense artist who perhaps in that gala did not have on his best day but are things that happen. What amazes me is that today everyone knows music and they make criticism in the networks that you are dead, we are going as if they had gone through the conservatory.
The fact that Melody has “risk” since she was well known and if not won was played more, he encourages him to appear in another call?
I don’t feel like it. It carries a brutal effort and work. They have offered it several times but I would have to abandon other projects and luckily I have always had enough work. Anyway, Melody is well above everything they could comment since he is very clear about who he is, his talent, and as his song says, his success does not go on to step on anyone. But my reason is because I don’t have time because I have a lifetime. I am also a single mother and combine everything is very difficult. I don’t know if one day I will give me the vein but what would least stop me is to compete with young artists.

How does it have to be a single mother with a teenager?
My daughter is 14 years old but has not yet entered complicated adolescence and is very young. When he asks me with what years he will start out I say joke that at 35. He loves music but has no interest in this world.
The Grammy gala has just passed but what is most talked about is Kanye West’s wife who arrived naked. Does the red carpet end up eclipsessing the talent of artists? Do you worry a lot what to put in these galas?
I assure you that I am not so worried about or I am thinking about the costumes and that then they also criticize you if you do not try. In the end there is a lot of showbussinness. That night there were immense artists like Beyoncé, who loved and gave him so many awards because he is huge. In my day I had a nomination and it was the best female pop album. Neither more nor less. What Beyoncé has just carried. In that edition it went to Shakira but as an author that I am was an emotion. My whole body was shaking when I sang Seven marches And I will remember it as one of the great joys that this profession has given me.
What gives importance to your profession?
To the public. He has never abandoned me. I will be scared or consider to retire when I see that the public does not get excited with my songs or does not come to my concerts. That is important. The awards …
Compose for oneself or others?
Composing for one when it is a personal story can be a relief that even serves to heal. When my father died I composed a song that, I assure you, helped me a lot. But then there are others that are not from your life and anyone can sing. I enjoy it the same because it is cool to express myself and develop my creativity.
Have you been related to Shakira after the Grammy snatched him?
The truth is not. He won with la loba And also in that edition it was the character of the year and was clear that they were going to give it to him. Then we have coincided in some prize in Spain but there is no special friendship.
Did he dedicate any song to his former partner Arturo Requejo?
No. He has never fallen to me. Neither in good nor in the bad. Composing has to be born from the bowels and there are times that motivate you and sometimes not. It must have not given me in the bowels.
Do you have a partner today?
Not at this moment. I have always been long courtships and now that I am alone I assure you that I like how I feel. I have linked a relationship with another and I have been as a lifetime. I am happy without anyone and I’m afraid I’m going to get used to it. Also with the years it is not easy to find the person with whom you really fit and have your same vision of life. What I am clear is that I am no longer going to adapt to the path of another.
What do you think of the artists who claim taking a chest in the performances?
I am one of the ones I think that each one does what he wants as long as he does not offend or aggregate to anyone. Highly that the chest is removed but I would not. I prefer to claim with my songs or verbiage but respect for others. I will tell you more: I have not done or top less On the beach because it has always given me some shame.
Is it one of the artists who will die with the boots put?
I love what I do, both when I compose and tours, but I also want to live. This profession has beautiful things but you spend half a life on the road. When it is older and the body or the public tells me that so far I want to rest and dedicate myself to walk and enjoy. I have been installed in Madrid for 23 years where I have been very happy and even my daughter was born here but my land, Cádiz, and I want to have breakfast with my coffee and my newspaper without a hurry. Smelling of sea and salt, of talk with the neighbors, go the purchase, enjoy my mother who is older … Everything everyday that in these 23 years I have not been able to do but that I want to start practicing because I do not speak of retreat but of Live more. That is why soon return to Cádiz to live in the countryside and be a bit more selective.
But already has a new house?
Yes. When the girl ends this school year we moved. She also wants us to settle and what I am clear about is that I don’t want to die with the boots on stage.