“It’s aggressive, conflicting, indoctrinator and biased”

The singer returns to the headlines and not only for his new tour, which starts on the 27th in Querétaro, Mexico. In a promotion interview, the singer has assured that he feels this country as his “second homeland” and has lashed out without filters against his own: “Spain is more aggressive, conflictive, indoctrinator and biased”. Miguel Boséwhich in recent years has become one of the most controversial characters on the panorama, has finished off: “Spain is impossible, a country that, like all Europe, or hit a violent and common sense trip or this Woke philosophy in the which are immersed, it has absolutely no future (…).

Of course, he, who has lived in Mexico for years, disregards all the problem: “I still exercise my right to vote in Spain but I no longer depend on those policies.” And he adds: “The walking citizens who are there are the ones who have to live from day to day.”

At 68, Bosé is ‘in love’ of Mexico: “This country has always been a base for me. It is a perfect country to allow your children to grow, he is friendlier, more educated and loyal.” And that here lived one of the most difficult experiences of his life when about ten hooded men entered his house and retained him, he and his two children, for at least two hours. An assault studied and organized, as he himself declared shortly after: “It was very tense, delicate and unpleasant.”

Scenarios back

The artist heats engines for his important tour, with which Mexico, Spain and the United States will travel until the end of the year, and returns to the stage after having star -19. The last one took place in July, when Bosé participated in a talk next to the healer Josep Pàmies talking about the benefits of the ‘bleach’ for health.

According to Bosé, they have lived “a few years of hell”, and not only because of the criticisms of their opinions but also for their health problems: an infection in a tooth that almost ends with his voice. “I have had all kinds of problems; physical, mental, emotional, existential, professionals, and that began with pandemic.” Now, he claims to “rebuild” after eight years separate from music: “I would never have never made the decision to return if there was no felt that everything was ready, embedded. I made a decision, among others, which is that I will learn to love me. Because it was not right.
