Italian Cup: Cristiano and Pirlo, to the Italian Cup final with Juventus

Juventus will play its 20th Italian Cup final in May. La Vecchia Signora, after having triumphed 2-1 at San Siro, with a good defensive performance drew 0-0 against an Inter that only has to win the scudetto not to close another course without titles or joys.

Pirlo, as expected, He started with Kulusevski next to Cristiano in the lead, leaving out Morata. Instead, in defense, he used Danilo instead of Square, who rose to midfield, with Alex Sandro and Bernardeschi on the left wing. The Bianconeri started better, staying in control of the ball during the first 25 minutes, but in the final stretch of the first half the Milanese grew, locking up the rivals in their area.

Those of Conte, who, without Vidal, preferred Eriksen to Gagliardini (and the dane disappointed), created several occasions, some of which thanks to the unstoppable arrivals of Achraf. Lukaku and Lautaro, however, they lived a night without any aim and several times ran into a Demiral in great shape. Christian, meanwhile, he created dangers every time the ball reached him, but he also had a tough opponent like Handanovic in front of him. The Interista goalkeeper denied a great goal to the former Madrid player at the restart, which he undone with a couple of feints of Skriniar and Barella on the edge of the area, and hit the keeper with a powerful right hand. The Milanese reinforced their attacks with Kolarov, Sensi and Perisic, but the revulsive failed to change the script. Pirlo responded by building an even higher wall with Chiellini and McKennie, leaving the ball to his opponent who, with the passage of minutes, began to lose desire and hope.

It seemed to cost Inter a world to score a goal and in the end he had to surrender to the highly organized Juventine defense, the true star of the night. The 'Maestro', then, conquered his first Cup final as a coach and Cristiano will have another bullet to lift the only Italian title that resists him. His rival will meet him tomorrow: he will be the winner of the Atalanta-Naples.