“It would be nice to play at Barça”

Paulo Dybala gave a long interview to 'CNN', talking about racism, about his time at Juventus, of a renovation that takes time to arrive and a possible future in Barcelona. Very strong statements also about last year, when the Vecchia Signora wanted to get rid of its services, which are already causing a stir in Italy: “A year ago Juventus did not count on me, they did not want me to continue playing here. Manchester United, Tottenham looked for me and I think PSG too. But I wanted to stay, it came from a few bad months and I did not want to leave that image, it was not fairor”.

Juventus: “I told the club that I wanted to stay and it was not easy, because the team's intentions were different. Once the market closed, with the arrival of Sarri I grew a lot. We played much better and was playing a great season.”

Renewal: “At the moment there is nothing. I have a year and a half left on the contract, it is not much and I understand that with the coronavirus for the club it is complicated, but others renewed. Let's see what happens.”

Club: “I am happy here, I have a great relationship with the environment, with the entity, with the president. I think sooner or later we will sit down and talk, or maybe not … I don't know. I could renew, but it depends on Juventus” .

Barcelona: “The truth is that it is a great club, world-class, and with Messi it is even bigger. It would be nice to play there, but Juventus is also a very large entity, full of history, where great footballers play. There is so much quality that you could put together two teams and the chance to play with people like Buffon and Cristiano, who grow the team. “

Racism: “What happened to Kean in Cagliari was not easy and we experienced several similar situations in other stadiums. It also happened to Balotelli, to Pjanic … In Italy this should be punished harder. If not, we will be the players who take steps to stop that from happening. “