“It is worrying that you try to silence my voice”

Not 20 hours have taken the ONLY fans model to respond to the statement of Iker Casillasin which the former Real Madrid goalkeeper attacked her for her statements about her alleged relationship and the filtration of private conversations. Very angry, the former Sara Carbonero warned that her lawyers studied the relevant legal actions in defense of their privacy but Claudia Bavel It does not seem too scared: “Your statement makes me laugh. I should thank me for speaking so little.”

The adult content creator has used her social networks to send another statement in which she defends her freedom of expression: “Like anyone, I have the right to share my experiences and experiences without implying an attack or a violation of intimacy of third parties “. He recalled that a relationship “is a shared experience” and, therefore, “expressing my part of history is not a privacy invasion, but the exercise of my right to free expression.”

Claudia confesses that “it is intended to present my testimony as an attack, when at all times I have disseminated truthful information and that it serves as a response to the refusal of a love relationship” and ensures that everything that has publicly shared “is based on real events that are part of my life and my personal experience. ” In addition, he also explained that “not everything is worth” to discredit someone or to impose a single version of the story.

Finally, the model has lamented that “this situation has climbed this way and that my story is tried to a matter of honor or defamation.” In addition, he worries that “try to silence my voice or present myself as a person who seeks notoriety at the expense of others.” Finally, Claudia announces that “the necessary actions to protect my integrity and my reputation against any attempt to misinformation or unfounded attack against me.”

In statements a TARClaudia added that Iker should be grateful for “what little I have told” and believes that the player’s reaction to his public appearances are the result of fear because she may have opened the ban: “He does because he knows that women are going to leave from under the stones.
