Who could still think that the Covid-19 It lags behind, it is wrong. The damn virus affects the Biscayan bronze football again. What was going to be a party in search of promotion to Second B between Portugalete and the Sestao River, has been suspended in the early afternoon of today for “a positive in coronavirus in the vicinity of a player from the Portugalete” It is what the Spanish Football Federation in your statement. The affected is the girlfriend of a valet player.
From the record, the established protocol began to work and the RFEF brought it to the attention of Government of Spain, of the Basque government and of his Health Department. The immediate conclusion was to postpone the duel that was to start at 19:30 in Sarriena and the template of the Portugalete You will undergo medical tests and checkups to see if the virus has spread.
Sports was immediately in the background. “The player has no symptoms, he is fine,” he said. Eduardo Rivacoba, president of the Portugalete, in conversation with Sports world. In the rest of the house there are no signs of Covid-19The club added in a statement. All in all, the coup was important within the Biscayan club. “We are bad, very bad. We have to feel good because we have acted responsibly, but we feel very bad because it is very hard for us to touch this, we do not deserve it, “confessed the president.
No one is exempt from illness: “We have been placed in a situation where the consequences do not depend on us. In the end we are the target. Each player has his environment in his city: close, less close friends, necessary social habits such as going to the supermarket or the bakery … The fan is too big. ” The earthquake struck at noon. “The coach called me, who had notified him that a player's girlfriend had tested positive. I have called the player and he has confirmed it to me, ”he said. Rivacoba. Of course, the footballer had not been with his partner in the last hours, so it is possible that the coronavirus has not entered the locker room of the Portugalete.
But at this point the suspension was not negotiable. There could be no encounter. “In this call crossing, the health tracker has called the player to summon him for the test tomorrow. So I decided to call the Basque Federation, to the secretary, and I have communicated everything with absolute transparency. He has made his inquiries with the Spanish Federation and with him Basque Government Health Department and at 3:41 p.m. they called me to announce that the first decision was to postpone the game, “he explained. Rivacoba.
We have been placed in a situation where the consequences do not depend on us. In the end we are the target. Each player has his environment in his city, the fan is too big
He Portugalete and all the clubs that play the promotion playoff to Second B they underwent a test in early June, before training began, and they passed another one prior to the first official meeting last weekend. “It is true that the players of Third, after taking the tests, they have a social life. And it's not a social life like the players of First. Many work, live in a home that is on a street and cross paths with people, go down to the supermarket, have a relationship with people that is not controllable, “said the president of Vase.
When can the final be held between Portugalete and the River it is still too early to speak. “No idea. The first thing will be to see what the test results and then go step by step, “he said cautiously. Rivacoba. The RFEFIn his note, he indicated that the scheduling of the crash “will be carried out once the medical controls guarantee that the meeting can be held.
We believe that, out of responsibility, this should be done. I speak for myself, I feel very bad knowing that I think I have done the right thing
Although the case was not within a team, the situation shows how difficult it is to organize a competition in the lower categories of football under these conditions. “The other day I commented to a manager, as a result of the Fuenlabrada case, that I could not believe that this had not happened to any of the 72 teams that play in the Third playoff, which means 72 cities where 2,500 players play, with their environments. It seemed like a lie. And this morning, when the coach called me, I couldn't believe it. This cannot be happening to us, ”said the leader.
Within all the bitterness, at least there is the feeling of duty accomplished. Especially in a matter as delicate as the coronavirus. “We believe that, by responsibility, it was necessary to act in this way,” he assured. Rivacoba, who could not escape that bittersweet feeling. The matter is still very hot: “I speak for myself, I feel very bad knowing that I think I have done the right thing.”