This Wednesday marks the third and final day of the trial of Dani Alves for alleged sexual assault. A few weeks ago, the mother of the former Barça footballer revealed the identity of the young woman and showed photos of her on social networks. “Like wood, like wood,” said Susanna Griso this Tuesday, very indignant, after seeing the images of the player's mother, Lucía, in the Barcelona Court.
The presenter of Public mirror She has once again been very critical this Wednesday. “We saw Joana Sanz yesterday [la mujer de Alves] very affectionate with her mother-in-law, hugging. I have little respect for what Alves' family has done by making the image of the victim known, it is the greatest shamelessness possible, I have no words to criticize that.” About the young woman, the communicator said: ““This girl, who was already in psychiatric treatment, is being destroyed.”.
The full-back testifies this Wednesday in the final stretch of the trial in which he is accused of alleged sexual assault of a young woman in a bathroom at the Sutton nightclub in Barcelona in the early hours of December 30 to 31, 2022. This is the third day of the trial, which resumed in the Barcelona Court at 3 p.m., first with the expert evidence and then with the interrogation of Alves, who may choose to testify or not and, if he does, whether he wants to answer the accusations or only to his defense.
Afterwards, the accusations will be able to ratify or not their requests for conviction – for now, the Prosecutor's Office is asking for 9 years in prison and the private prosecution 12 – and both the prosecutor and the lawyers will be able to present their arguments in their final reports. On the second day of the trial, on Tuesday, 12 Mossos d'Esquadra agents testified and explained that they went to the nightclub once the club's workers called 112 and applied the sexual assault protocol. Also Bruno, a friend of Alves, who changed his version, and Joana Sanz. They testified along the lines set by the defense to use alcohol as a mitigating factor for the crime committed. The young woman, for her part, testified on Monday and her identity was protected.