“It is not the rival’s merit, it is ours”

Xavi showed very self-critical with after the draw by stating that “it is not the rival’s merit, it is ours.” For the Barcelona coach, “the expulsion reduces us a lot, it is very clear, but we have lost due to our mistakes. You had to defend with the ball, like in Pamplona ”. Xavi regretted that the team did not know how to do it although they had been working to have depth.

Consider that “it just lacked depth, and look that we work, but we have lacked. We have scored the goal, which is the most difficult and then we have not been able to control it ”.

Consider that “we lose very silly balls, you have to be self-critical. You have to do more things: get higher, create opportunities. If we want to grow we have to do more things and grow from now on ”. He insisted that “it is not the rival’s merit, it is our demerit.”

Asked for the defense of GranadaHe explained that “it has cost us to break it, due to our mistakes. We have centered, we have shot, yes, but we have not attacked spaces, I do not know the reason but there has been no depth. Then we have improved, but we have not been able to defend in the opposite field with the ball ”.

He explained that “it was to sentence the game, playing in the opposite field and generating spaces when Granada was already melted. Two vital points escape us ”.

About Álvaro Sanz’s entrance ahead of Riqui Puig, which put Barça at risk of being left with less than seven of the first team (Lenglet and Piqué with a card), xavi explained that “we have run the risk. Álvaro gives us clarity and the game required having the ball, playing in the opposite field with patience ”.

As for Luuk de Jong, pointed again that “I have already told you that he is part of the squad, like everyone else. If offers come later and we have to square the salary limit, that is the situation. But Luuk is a professional, he has helped us a lot with the goal, unloading and going out of the way. Happy for him, but pissed off by the result ”.

It is clear that “we can’t go happy, we are angry, screwed up and upset ”. He admitted that “we also lack experience, of course.” He pointed out that “I am not talking about the referees, I am talking about the consequence of the expulsion. We are with one less, we have to go back and it costs us because we are not used to it ”.

Did not show critical with Gavi: “There is a referee who decides and I must not enter there. The experience and the trade is gained with the parties. He is a player who gives us a lot and his expulsion has greatly diminished us, it is evidence “.

Concluded with a wish for the Super Cup: “Now, to try to change the chip. A shame, because it would have been very good for us to win ”.