“It is a shame that they have had two more days off”

Peru Nolaskoain, Deportivo player, has criticized that Oviedo, with which his team tied this Wednesday at Carlos Tartiere (2-2), It has had two more days of rest than the group from A Coruña.

“It is a shame that Oviedo has had two more days off than us, although it is not an excuse “, the blue and white footballer said in statements that the Galician club has provided after the Oviedo match.

The Basque midfielder, who acted as central, considered “difficult to explain” The first part of Deportivo, who conceded two goals and was wrong until Sabin Merino, with a Chilean, got him into the game seconds before the break.

“We went well, but from minute 5 or 10 they have passed us. It seemed that they had two more marches,” he said.

Nolaskoain revealed that at the break they talked in the locker room and managed to “fix things” facing the second part, in which, in addition, they changed the “system” of the game and went to four defenses instead of the line of five with which they had started the match.

The player loaned by Athletic was pleased that his goal in the second half served to “score” and beat Oviedo's particular goal difference.