“It is a reflection that we should all make”

The new season of Public Mirror with Susanna Griso at the helm began this Monday, September 2, with two interviews: one with Isabel Díaz Ayuso, the president of the Community of Madrid, and then another with Albert Rivera, who has reappeared on television when five years have passed since his political retirementMalú’s ex, among other things, has spoken about his daughter with the singer, little Lucía, who turned 4 in June.

At the same time, he also had some words for Daniela, his eldest daughter, the fruit of his relationship with the psychologist Mariona Saperas, with whom he was married for thirteen years: “They are the most important thing that has happened to me in life. They have made me a better person than I was before. They help you understand the world in a different way.Now I have more time to spend with them. I see Lucía very often. The eldest lives in Barcelona but now I also see her more often.“And she has celebrated that she can disconnect from the world to spend quality time with them, something she could not do when she was in the political arena: “I can even turn off my cell phone”.

The former leader of Ciudadanos has also boasted of teaching them two values ​​in life, the same ones that his parents instilled in him: freedom and responsibility.Let no one impose anything on them, let them be educated in freedom and responsibility”.

On the other hand, he has defended the discretion with which he has led and continues to lead his private life: “I respect those who want to tell their lives, but I ask for respect for those who do not want to tell them.. I live it naturally but I don’t count on who I’m with or who I travel with. Discretion is a value that I still maintain and it gives me peace of mind to be consistent with that.” In this sense, she regretted the media interest that her private life arouses: “Five years later [de su salida de la política] You find hidden cameras taking pictures of you and your family”.

The lawyer, who has been in a relationship with designer Carla Cotterli for over a year, has admitted: “I still find it difficult to get that kind of interest in your private or intimate life”.

In this regard, he launched an appeal: “It is a reflection that we must all do, putting ourselves in the other’s shoes”. He thinks that bullfighting is seen differently from the sidelines, but when the media interest hits you, it is different: “The day that happens to you or it happens to your family or your children… I think that putting yourself in the other person’s shoes is the way to understand that loss of privacy”.

On the other hand, she also spoke about her father, Agustín Rivera, who died last year leaving the family devastated: “I was lucky that he passed away in peace. But I miss him a lot, we had friends in common. My father and I could go a month without speaking, but we knew we were there, there was never any reproach.“, she commented, after recently reminding him on Instagram.

On where he is now, he said: “I’m earning my living like any other citizen, like any other professional.” Albert Rivera’s current work is at the consultancy firm RV+, which he founded after his abrupt departure from the Martínez-Echevarría law firm in February two years ago. He also runs the University Institute of Leadership and a postgraduate course on the same subject, where he shares tasks with Toni Cantó.
